Downe village

Welcome to the Downe Village website. Please take time to look around. If you have any suggestions, please contact the webmaster (via the Residents' Association page)
What's happening in Downe
Events coming up in Downe:
Saturday 5 April - Downe spring litter clean
Thursday 10 April to Saturday 12 April - Downe Arounders stage "Out of Focus"
Monday 28 April - Ladies curry night (Durbar Spice)
Tuesday 29 April - Mens curry night (Durbar Spice)
Saturday 3 May - Downe May Queen event (starts 1:15pm, Standard Rd)
Saturday 17 May - Race Night (village hall) - TBA
Saturday 21 June - Quiz Night (village hall) - TBA
Thursday 16 October to Saturday 18 October - Downe Arounders (TBA)
Saturday 8 November - Quiz Night (village hall) - TBA
Upcoming AGMs:
Downe Residents' Association - Thursday 20 March (7:30pm village hall)
Downe Village Hall AGM - Thursday 27 March (7pm village hall)
Downe Village Club - Tuesday 8 April (7pm Queen's Head)
Watch a new video - a walk from Hayes to Pratts Bottom- via Downe - from a Youtuber (4K Explorer) -
"Join me on a mission to document as much of the United Kingdom as possible. I do narration-free, fisheye-free virtual walks of town and city centres, all shot in 4K with a 62mm lens. I do this all out of my own pocket, so to support the channel, just subscribe. :)"
External renovation of the village hall now complete (as of end September 2024)

Durbar Spice restaurant opened in the High Street on 21 September 2024

Lyulph Avebury gives a talk on the Lubbock family - 19 September 2024

Quiz night in the village hall - helping to raise funds for repairs - 22 June 2024

Another successful comedy night in the village hall in aid of fundraising for repairs - 16 February 2024

A packed hall for Lyulph Avebury's second talk on the High Elms estate - 1 February 2024

The "Green Man" leads the 2024 Wassail in the orchard
(14 January 2024)

Remembrance display at St Mary's church (November 2023)

Repairs to village hall underway at October 2023

Dedication of new stained glass window in St Mary's - 24 September 2023

Big crowd in village centre for the annual Downe Duck Race on 9 July 2023

Big crowd in village centre for the May Queen celebrations on 30 April 2023

Downe & Cudham Ultrafast Broadband Community Project

All areas of Downe and Cudham now have access to “ultrafast” broadband. The project has now brought high speed fibre broadband to approx 1,000 premises.
Note – if you want to check if fibre service is available at your property, go to:
....and put in your postcode and select your address. If the “ultrafast” option comes up, you can order an “ultrafast” service from your supplier. If it is only “superfast”, then you need to wait a little longer.
"Elvis" entertains and opens the Downe Christmas Lights switch on - 4th December 2022

Music quiz night in the village hall - run by Tony & Jim - 15 October 2022

David Winstanley (CEO Biggin Hill Airport Ltd) addresses residents at the village hall on 3 August 2022

Ravensbourne Morris men visit Downe - July 2022

Ivor Potter sings "Vegas Night" in the village hall - July 2022

Spot the similarity ? Yes - water in the pond (Jan 2021)!!!

St Mary's in the snow (Jan 2021)

Pubs in Downe - the Queens Head and the George & Dragon

Downe Lottery
Read the latest update on the Downe lottery on the lottery page....
Have you joined the Downe Lottery yet ? in it to win it
The main purpose is to raise money for 'worthy' causes in the village, with the added opportunity to win prizes. The prize money is 50% of the monthly monies raised - so clearly, the more lottery shares sold, the more money in the prize pot, and the more money raised for Downe.
To apply, email Tony Dixon, the Lottery Promoter, using for a standing order form.
Visit the lottery page for all the information on the lottery....
Bromley Mayor - Cllr Hannah Gray - unveils the Downe information board September 2020

The board was a project originated and driven through over the past two years by residents in Downe village who were concerned that our historic village had no such information for the many tourists, walkers, cyclists, and the general public that visit each year – as well as for locals. With assistance from Bromley Council and many local historians (including at Down House – residence of Charles Darwin), the information board – containing maps, historic buildings, roads, footpaths etc) was researched, designed and eventually produced and installed in August.
Sadly, due to Government restrictions, only six people could be officially invited to the unveiling. Madam Mayor gave an enthusiastic speech before uncovering the board, to the delight of the few people watching. Following the unveiling, Madam Mayor was treated to some local produce - Downe orchard apple juice. Most of the core project team (Zoe Knight, Kim Durham, Terry Pyle and Steve Barnes) were present to witness this fitting addition to the centre of the village.
London Biggin Hill Airspace Change Proposal - Click the button to read the report about proposed changes to flightpaths:
Two locally produced promotional videos - Christmas Tree Farm and the Queen's Head jam night

Philip Shaye Productions - a Downe village-based business have produced a video for Paul Gubby at Christmas Tree Farm, and a promotional video of the Queen's Head jam night. Click on the buttons above to view
If any of you would like to promote your business using video, contact Phil Louden-Carter on 07834 042918 or
The village lime tree
For as long as villagers can remember it has been said that the Old Lime tree has been dying, starved of water
as it is totally encased in tarmac. Probably over 100 years old - it can be seen in all the old photos of the village and
in the past the Council have removed branches in the hope of reducing its water needs.
The Residents' Association has now installed three one metre deep irrigatation pipes around the tree and can we urge those living close by, when they have a watering can at hand, to pour fresh water through the grills. Water from the road could not have been utilized as during the winter it would be polluted with salt.
Many of you will remember Terry Williams who lived in the village but who sadly died four years ago. Well known
in the entertainment world, perhaps you will recall him on tall stilts ? He recorded the song called 'Dancing around the Old Lime tree' which we hope will be possible for many more years to come !
You can hear it again (with some associated pictures) by clicking here:

A photo of previous village resident - Eric Lubbock and his wife from the Daily Telegraph - Friday March 16th 1962, and another from the Kentish Times showing Eric celebrating his Orpington victory for the Liberal party - a 7,855 majority over the Conservatives.

Biggin Hill Airport
Track planes coming in and out of the airport
Read the "Kent Live" article (12 April) about the new facility......
Click on this link to access the flight monitoring website.......
To comment on incidents relating to Biggin Hill Airport
Ring - 01959 578580 (See HELP page for further information)