Downe village

Village Hall
Downe village hall is set in the heart of the village and is available for meetings, classes, parties etc. The main hall (or separate meeting room) is available for hire and can accommodate up to 90 people. There is disabled access and a kitchen. Hall hire is available seven days a week.
Hall booking - To enquire about booking the hall, please fill in the booking enquiry form below, and we will get back to you (note boxes marked with a red asterisk must be completed). If you have any issues or want to contact the hall bookings secretary, call 07902 516673, or e-mail
The calendar (below) shows general availability, but does not guarantee it will be free on a given date/time
Downe village hall - Conditions of Hire
Data Protection - by providing your details in this way you agree to your personal details being held and processed by the Downe Village Hall booking system in order to book and use the hall. You can request removal of your details at any time by e-mailing the hall booking manager at
Your personal details are safe with us - the Downe Village Hall Trustees' data privacy policy can be found here..........
The Data Controller is Kwan Phung
Downe village hall - FAQs
What times can I book the hall for and what is the cost?
The hall can be hired out for the morning (9-12.30pm), the afternoon (1-5.30pm) or the evening (6-10.30pm) at a cost of generally £70 in the Spring/Summer or £80 in the Autumn/Winter, all through the year. Note peak times Friday and Saturday evenings come at a cost of £150 (flat throughout the year). The extra Autumn/Winter cost is in reflection of the extra heating that is applied. If you live in Downe Village you can apply for a special Villager’s discount (50%, proof of address may be requested), please discuss with the Bookings Manager for further information.
What if I need the hall for a bit longer or later?
For a slightly earlier start or later start an extra (small) surcharge may apply subject to Bookings Manager confirmation (i.e., an extra hour's charge may be applied without having to pay for a full additional session).
Is there WiFi?
Can I hire a bouncy castle?
Yes. However, we suggest contacting local hire companies who have set up in the village hall before. The hall can accommodate a small bouncy castle only. Please note neither the hall nor the Trustees are responsible for any injuries or damage sustained using such equipment.
What are the hall dimensions?
5.5m wide and 6.7m front to back (there's an extra 2m of stage area). The height is about 9.5m, but note, there is projector unit that hangs down nearer to the stage.
Can we use the stage or the audio-visual equipment?
Potentially yes, but you’ll need to be shown how to use this.
Are there tables that can be used (see next panel below for pictures)?
3 toddler tables, 10 chairs
6 foldaway (max) six seaters – rectangular table, can fit 3 on each side (but a comfortable 4 seat table).
8 smaller tables – square, comfortably for 2.
100 adult chairs
There is a disabled toilet and a ramp to access the hall. However, to access the hall there is a sharp left turn immediately after coming up the ramp, hence the hall is not suitable for mobility scooters or independent wheelchair users as the turning space to get into the hall and within the disabled toilet is limited (the hall is appropriate for assisted wheelchair users).
What utensils are there in the kitchen?
Our kitchen is well stocked with plates, cups, mugs and cutlery for both adults and children. There are also serving platters and jugs.
Is there a highchair?
Cleaning service / refuse collection
I’m afraid at this current time this is something we are unable to offer as standard. Hall must be left clean and all rubbish taken away.
Discount for long term hires
This is subject to Bookings Manager discretion.
Cleaning equipment, what do I need to bring?
This is all on site (broom, dustpan and brush, vacuum
cleaner, other cleaning materials).
Is there a dishwasher?
I wish to serve food at the hall, what equipment is there?
Fridge freezer
Stove and oven
Is there dedicated parking?
No, parking is available on the streets outside, note there are no parking restrictions that apply currently.
Can I see the hall before making a booking?
Yes, this would need prior arrangement with the Bookings Manager.
At what point is my booking confirmed?
Once payment is made, unless otherwise agreed with the Bookings Manager.
Is there an outside space (patio and/or garden)?
Please also familiarise yourself with Conditions of Hire (see above panel) that each hirer agrees to be bound by when using the hall.
Hall tables and chairs

3 toddler tables, 10 chairs

6 foldaway (max) six seaters – rectangular table, can fit 3 on each side (but a comfortable 4 seat table)

8 smaller tables – square, comfortably for 2
Internal hall pictures

Management of the village hall
The village hall is a charitable trust (charity no 272612) and is managed on behalf of the village by a Board of Trustees. The Trustees are:
Fran Grant (Chair)
Jim Grant (Vice Chair)
John Isbell (Treasurer)
Steve Barnes (Secretary)
Kwan Phung (Bookings Manager)
Lyulph Avebury
Sarah Courtney
Tony Dixon
Dan Kelly
Derek Robinson
Jean Rothwell
Video of internal hall facilities (2023)